Solidground Wellness

Connecting you with Community Resources

Assistance in Riverside County

County of Riverside resources

Resources available to our county

CalFresh, CalWorks, Medi-Cal, Substance Abuse Meetings and more. ​

Click here for details

Riverside County Food Access

Riverside County Food Access Sites

Where to Access Food in Riverside County

Allow this app to use your location, or type in an address to find locations providing food and meals during COVID-19 emergency in Riverside County

California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

Stay home order and essential worker info per the State of California

All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, leaving only for permitted work local shopping related to open sectors, healthcare, food, personal exercise and local outdoor recreation.

Employment assistance​

Employment and Career Resources: County of Riverside

Match your career skills and goals with companies looking for new employees. These links also help locate job-related community resources, labor market data, career resources and helpful information for employers.