Solidground Wellness

Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab Riverside CA

Handling alcohol or drug addiction on your own is difficult. Recognizing that you need help battling addiction is the first step to becoming sober. The team here at Solid Ground Wellness is ready to be your partner in your journey to sobriety. We have several different addiction treatment options, including outpatient alcohol and drug rehab. If you are looking for addiction treatment in Riverside, CA, that does not require you to spend a month in an inpatient program, our outpatient alcohol and drug rehab may be perfect for you.

Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Riverside

Outpatient rehab is the least intensive option for drug and alcohol treatment in Riverside, but that does not mean it’s not effective or isn’t as good as the other options. Instead, it provides a different type of rehab experience. When you attend a full inpatient rehab program, you essentially live at the treatment facility for up to 30 days, maybe more. With outpatient rehab, that’s not the case. You continue to live at home or at another residence of your choice while you come to our facility several times a week.

You still learn all of the things you would learn in a full inpatient program, including how to recognize addiction triggers, what led to your addiction, and how to process stress and other emotions in a healthy way. However, you have more freedom than you would in an inpatient or even a partial hospitalization program.

With this freedom, though, does come responsibility. Because you don’t live at the facility full-time, it can be easier to slip back into your bad habits. This includes addiction. You do have to be much more vigilant about avoiding relapse.

Outpatient vs Inpatient Treatment

The biggest difference, as we’ve discussed, is where you live during treatment. However, there are a few other differences between inpatient and outpatient treatment options:

  • Inpatient treatment is more costly because you have to factor in expenses such as room and board.
  • Due to costs and the less intensive nature of the program, outpatient rehab typically takes a minimum of three months.
  • Outpatient rehab does not completely remove distractions or temptations like inpatient rehab does.
  • Inpatient rehab does essentially completely disrupt your life for a month, while outpatient rehab does not.

The Advantages of Outpatient Rehab

There are a number of advantages to attending an outpatient drug rehab in Riverside. Because you aren’t required to live at the treatment facility, your daily life is not as disrupted or changed. If you have a job, you can continue to work while attending outpatient rehab. Many employers are very willing to work around your outpatient schedule. You won’t need to worry about taking a leave of absence or going without a paycheck for a month.

This is also a great benefit for parents or for those who take care of older loved ones. You will not need to arrange for a caretaker for weeks, nor will you need to explain to your child why you have to leave for so long. The disruption to their lives is minimal, especially for children in school. You will likely be able to attend our outpatient program while they are in class, so there is no need for a babysitter.

For some, giving up their independence to go into an inpatient facility adds additional stress to an already-stressful time. They worry about paying bills, taking care of family, or simply being able to do what they want when they want it. These patients have already lost control of their lives due to their addiction—they may not have a job or close family around at the moment, so the only thing they may have under their control are simple things like being able to decide what’s for dinner or when to go to bed.

If you’re grasping at something you can control after being a passenger in your life for so long, we understand. After all, addiction treatment is about taking control of your life back from your addiction. If you can start that process by controlling your life, even if it’s making small decisions, that can be very important. Outpatient rehab lets you do this, and for some, that’s incredibly important.

Is It Effective?

Many people do question how effective outpatient alcohol and drug rehab is. The answer is that it can be just as effective or even more effective than inpatient treatment for the right people. If you have relapsed multiple times and have a serious drug problem, you may need the isolation that inpatient rehab brings. However, if you are truly trying to get your addiction under control but need some help, outpatient rehab may offer everything you need. Like many aspects of rehab, outpatient treatment is as effective as you allow it to be. If you’re committed to being sober, this program will give you the tools you need to achieve that goal.

What Solid Ground Wellness Offers

Solid Ground Wellness offers a standard outpatient program in Riverside, CA, that requires meeting around nine hours a week. Our program options vary, but you will likely spend up to three days a week at our facility in individual therapy, group sessions, and other classes and therapies. If you would like to know more, please reach out to us today.

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