Solidground Wellness

Riverside Rehab Center

Our Mission

Welcome to Solid Ground Wellness

Welcome to Solid Ground Wellness, your beacon of hope in alcohol and drug rehab treatment in Riverside, California. With over a quarter-century of devoted service, our establishment has become synonymous with transformative care, focused on emotional wellness. Wanders into our fold are not just numbers but individuals embarking on a sacred journey towards healing. Our ethos is to forge a path for genuine recovery, promising a future where addiction does not dictate direction.

Our Mission

At the core of Solid Ground Wellness lies a mission saturated with the essence of nurture and growth. We extend beyond the conventional treatment approaches, ensuring a tailored experience that meets the unique needs of every individual and their family. It’s not just about overcoming addiction but fostering a healthier, more enlightened self. The impact we aim to make ripples through generations, grounding future paths in resilience and wisdom.

Our Specialized Programs

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

The Partial Hospitalization Program strikes a fine balance between intensive care and the freedom to heal within the community. It’s designed for those who need substantial support but can also thrive with a level of independence.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Program addresses the need for a flexible yet structured environment. It’s perfect for individuals who must maintain their daily responsibilities while pursuing recovery.

Outpatient Program (OP)

The Outpatient Program serves as a bridge to normalcy, providing vital support as our clients take the bold steps back into their lives. It embodies our belief in empowerment through gradual reintegration.

Trauma-Focused Care

At Solid Ground Wellness, we acknowledge the profound impact trauma has on addiction. Our trauma-focused outpatient therapy is a testament to our commitment to addressing the roots of addiction, ensuring a holistic healing experience. By unraveling the tendrils of trauma, we pave the way for authentic recovery and a renewed sense of self.

Our Vision

Envisioning a society where addiction is neither a stigma nor a life sentence, Solid Ground Wellness aims to be the lighthouse for those navigating the stormy seas of dependency. We dream of a world where individuals are judged not by their struggles but their strength to overcome them. Through education, support, and tireless guidance, we aspire to cultivate a community of warriors, equipped to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.

The Journey Towards Recovery

The path to wellness is both personal and communal. At Riverside Rehab Center, we honor this by fostering a supportive environment that encourages sharing, learning, and growing together. Our dedicated team, comprising seasoned professionals and compassionate caretakers, stands ready to guide you through each step of your recovery. Let us be the foundation upon which you rebuild your life.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans
  • Supportive Community Setting
  • Expert Care Team
  • Empowerment Through Education

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Riverside Rehab Center means opting for a future where addiction no longer holds power. Our bespoke programs, coupled with an unyielding commitment to your well-being, make Solid Ground Wellness an unparalleled ally in your fight against dependency. We don’t just offer treatment; we offer a new lease on life.

Take the First Step

Embarking on the journey of recovery requires courage, and we commend you for taking the first step. Riverside Rehab Center is more than a treatment facility; it’s a sanctuary where renewal happens. Connect with us today, and let us walk beside you as you rediscover the strength within. Your path to wellness begins here, amidst the solidarity and compassion that defines Solid Ground Wellness.

Our Vision

What Makes the Riverside Rehab Center Unique?

At Solid Ground Wellness, we stand out not just because of our long-standing experience but due to our dedication to providing tailored care that respects the individuality of each person. Unlike many other facilities, we go beyond the conventional treatment paradigms and focus heavily on emotional wellness and trauma-informed care. Our programs, including the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), and Outpatient Program (OP), are structured to accommodate the flexibility needed by those in recovery, without sacrificing the intensity of care needed for genuine, long-lasting recovery. Our approach is holistic, recognizing that recovery encompasses not just physical but emotional and spiritual healing. Imagine a scenario where someone who has struggled with addiction for years finds a place that not only addresses their substance use but also the underlying emotional trauma fueling it. That’s the solidarity and compassion that define Solid Ground Wellness.

How Does Solid Ground Wellness Address Family Involvement in Addiction Treatment?

One of the most crucial aspects of effective addiction recovery is family involvement. At Solid Ground Wellness, we truly believe that the journey towards recovery is not only personal but communal. This is why we offer programs tailored not just for individuals but for their families as well. By incorporating family therapy sessions and educational resources into our treatment plans, we foster an environment of understanding, support, and healing for everyone involved. It’s like planting a seed of change that grows within the family, nurturing stronger bonds and a collective resilience against the challenges of addiction. The transformation we witness in families who embark on this journey together is nothing short of inspiring.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing an Outpatient Program?

Choosing an outpatient program like those offered at Solid Ground Wellness provides numerous benefits, particularly for individuals who need to balance their recovery with daily responsibilities. One of the main advantages is the flexibility it offers, allowing participants to maintain their work, school, or family commitments while receiving comprehensive treatment. Our outpatient programs are designed not only to be flexible but also intensive enough to ensure a robust support system and structured therapy sessions. This model empowers our clients, enabling them to integrate their learning and growth directly into their real-world environments, fostering resilience and practical coping skills. It’s a balance that promotes healing while encouraging individuals to remain engaged in their life, providing a real sense of accomplishment and progress.

How Does Solid Ground Wellness Tackle the Stigma Around Addiction?

At Solid Ground Wellness, tackling the stigma around addiction is central to our mission. We understand that stigma can be a significant barrier to seeking help, which is why we’re dedicated to creating a community and environment where individuals feel safe, supported, and understood. Through education and open dialogue, we work to dispel myths and misconceptions about addiction, highlighting the strength and courage it takes to pursue recovery. By sharing stories of resilience and success, we aim to shift the narrative from one of judgment to one of compassion and support. It’s about changing the conversation from shame and isolation to one of hope and connection. When individuals feel empowered rather than marginalized, the journey towards recovery becomes a shared responsibility, fostering a more inclusive and understanding society.

What Support is Available After Completing a Program at Solid Ground Wellness?

Graduating from a program at Solid Ground Wellness is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of wellness. We ensure that the transition from treatment to everyday life is smooth and supported. Our continuum of care includes alumni groups, ongoing therapy sessions, and access to resources and support networks. Think of it as having a safety net, ensuring that the tools, strategies, and community you’ve grown to rely on remain a staple in your life, even after program completion. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of building a sustainable routine that incorporates healthy habits and coping strategies learned during treatment. This ongoing support is crucial for maintaining the gains made during treatment and for fostering long-term recovery.


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